Wednesday, November 27, 2019


See below for the new features and give an eye to the release note. A third alpha is expected in 4 weeks. I just replaced the use of ps2eps by ps2epsi. This bugfix release fixes an annoying crash while running the application using Java 9. So, let's test it and hope it would be the last beta before the final release. latexdraw

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See below for the new features and give an eye to the release note.

I was pretty busy these last weeks so that this release does not contain a lot of improvements: It is more convenient than using the scroll bars.

Polar coordinates can be used and various parameters are available. This new version brings an exciting new feature: The latexdgaw in the user interface are huge. One new feature is that an 'app' package is now provided for MacOSX users.


When zooming using the mouse, the zoom process follows the pointer. Ok ok, this is not a stable release but a preview for testing purposes only.


You can get the files and the release note there: You can still de-activate the use of openGL in the preferences. If the native LaTeX rendering works like a charm on Linux, it seems that it does not work correctly on Windows.

Another alpha is expected in a couple of weeks. Fourth alpha just released. Then, beta versions will be prepared to fix issues.


For example, in the following screen-shot I added a text in the drawing and typed a formula. This new version fixes serious issues, in particular for the latest version of MikTeX.

So, let's test it and hope it would be the last beta before the final release.

LaTeXDraw in Launchpad

Still for testing purposes only piece of advice. It should normally fix the problem of exporting EPS picture. This may be the last release before a first public beta release of the 4. In complement to the previous change, a page US letter only for the moment is painted. Tell latexdrraw whether this issue is now fixed.

latexdraw – CAD oriented drawing program

Some LaTeX binaries pdfcrop and ps2eps notably have a dependency to an application not installed by default by Miktex: The most important feature of LaTeXDraw 3. This bugfix release fixes an annoying crash while running the application using Java 9.

It seems that the only solution is to install perl: Still for testing purposes only.

The size of drawing area is no more limited to the size of the drawing. More than one year without any release and post You can try that by using the latest development version.

CTAN: Package latexdraw

Just as a reminder, this branch 3. This new version brings important changes and fixes major bugs. Almost one ltaexdraw without any release The new features are:

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